Concert Dates

The New Horizons Musical Organization of the Lakes Region is looking forward seeing you at one of our upcoming concerts.

Exchange Concert Series

Music For Life – All New Horizons Bands in New Hampshire

The Exchange Concert is scheduled for March 15, 2025, at 2:00 PM at the Meredith Community Center in Meredith, NH.

Summer Concert Series

Saturday, May 31, 2025, at 6:00 PM, at Weirs Pavillion, NH

Friday, July 4, 2025, Hesky Park in Meredith, NH

Saturday, July 12, 2025, Old Home Day in Sanbornton, NH

Exchange concerts

New Hampshire is now the home four (4) New Horizons Bands:

  • New Horizons Band – Lakes Region located in Belmont NH.
  • New Horizons Band – Portsmouth.
  • New Horizons Band – Monadnock located in Keene.
  • New Horizons Band Concord

Over the past few Years the Lakes Region and Portsmouth Bands alternated hosting a combined exchange concert. In 2015 the Lakes Region hosted Keene for their first exchange concert.

The bands meet in the morning for rehearsal and lunch and then put on a concert open to the public.

The general format of these concerts is for each concert and jazz band to play three selections, then join together to play four more pieces chosen in advance by the music directors.